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Reducing eWaste and Preserving the Environment
Today more and more electronics are discarded in landfills, leading to dangerous health and environmental risks. Each year 128 million cell phones are retired from use. Many of these phones are still usable, and if unable to function, we can always help reuse the resources and metals put into the devices. Not only can we find valuable raw materials in any electronic device, reusing these gadgets benefit schools, low income families, and many other individuals. Keeping these electronics out of landfills also lowers the chance of causing damage to residents. Most electronics contain hazardous or toxic materials which can cause an environmental problem if discarded in the trash. Safely recycling and reusing electronics helps keep substances like lead and mercury from harming residents and other people.
iReTron is committed to reducing eWaste and its hazards by bringing the re-use of electronic products to everyone, keeping them out of landfills and putting them into the hands of new users
Reuse is the new way
Reducing eWaste is not just about recycling, but also about reusing. iReTron's programs and services bring the reuse of electronics products into the mainstream, to reduce e-waste and increase the lifetime use of electronics products.
iReTron diverts electronic products from the waste stream by giving consumers easy ways to sell and buy used electronics products. iReTron gives consumers the opportunity to get value for their used equipment, while redirecting the equipment from the landfill and into the hands of new users and increasing the lifetime use of products which preserves natural resources.